

Merchandise items like organic cotton baby clothing provide ample benefit to our physical well being, as well as to sustain ecology. These products are exceptionally popular these days.

It is obvious that our parents, out of their undeniable love, want us to be safe and secure from all possible harms and threats in the world. This is the most apparent reason for the unbelievable popularity of the entire range of organic cotton baby clothing merchandises, in contemporary Australia. Unlike the conventional variety of the fibre, this range is really effective in safeguarding our health from a severe hazard.

organic cotton baby clothing

Conventional cotton

  • Conventional cotton is a popular fibre, grown widely across the world. As such, it is a major cash crop and hence, the cultivation process involves extensive usage of artificial chemicals – mostly as fertilizers and insecticides.
  • These chemicals are severely toxic in nature. Plants consume a negligible quantity of these man-made poisons and the rest – in course of time – get mixed up with the surrounding atmosphere. This unbalances ecology to a significant extent.
  • As such, growing ordinary cotton, especially in the contemporary times, is severely harmful in conserving nature. On the other hand, when the harvest grows to full capacity, it is sent to factories – to undergo industrial processing.
  • A fresh batch of lethal chemicals is applied to the fibre, mostly as artificial colouring pigments, at this stage. The fibre retains most of these toxic chemicals for a long time. As and when, we use various merchandises, manufactured from the ordinary variety of cotton these poisons come in direct contact to our body.
  • Thus, the man-made chemicals, eventually, extract a severe toll on man’s health, damaging the skin and the respiratory system to unrepairable extent. In fact, these are most harmful for the kids.

Organic variety

  • Organic range of the fibre – as the word “organic” implies – is absolutely free from any artificial and synthetic ingredients.
  • Farming is conducted in a restricted environment, categorically discarding any synthetic chemical.
  • No artificial colouring agent is applied to this either.

In short, farming of this range of the fibre is helpful in sustaining ecology, as well as the merchandises manufactured from it are safe on health aspect.